Crisis Numbers & Information

If you are in crisis, please go to your nearest Emergency Room, or call one of the 24/7 phone numbers below:

Crisis Numbers & Information:

Here 24/7

Crisis Number: 1-844-437-3247


Information: Here 24/7 is your front door to the addictions, mental health and crisis services provided by 12 agencies across Waterloo Wellington. 

Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region

Crisis Number: 519-741-8633


Information: Our support line is a resource for anyone who has experienced sexual violence as a child or adult, and their friends and families. We provide emotional support and intervention, options, information, referrals, as well as advocacy and accompaniments. Phone support is available in more than 200 languages through an interpreter service.

Our Online Chat is available every Thursday evening from 6-10pm. 

Crisis Services of Canada

Crisis Number: 1-833-456-4566


Information: Crisis Services Canada (CSC) is a national network of existing distress, crisis and suicide prevention line services that has been engaging members since 2002.